Saturday, 14 March 2009

Kiri shawl - finished and blocked

originally uploaded by curvyjax.
Ok, I am so impressed with myself! Will do a proper post soon to let you know about the pretty manic and eventful time the past few weeks have been, but in the meantime - look! It's so pretty! It's a shame you can't feel photos - so soft. I'm not at all sensitive to mohair - my husband loves the look but doesn't want to touch this! Any way, I'm thrilled, and have already been asked to make another one.

Incidentally, from this pic it looks as if the diet I've been on for the past few weeks is working - my waist is definitely there again! Cool - it's not often that I like a back view of myself!

The other project I'm spending time on at the moment si a pair of socks for my friend who is going through a difficult time at the moment - her husband left and 3 weeks later, she had a nasty car crash. So I'm making her some socks in Opal Harry Potter yarn - tonks colourway. Will post pic's when I'm done.

1 comment:

Frog in the Field said...

Looks and sounds fantastic