Tuesday, 5 January 2010

10 shawls in 2010

As 2009 ended with a challenge - to submit a picture for a calender for the LSG group on Ravelley. This is an online group of knitter who are not exactly your stereotypical granny. Swearing happens. A lot! The calender picture had to include something yarn-related, but otherwise anything goes. And my picture was voted in - I am Miss October! If anyone wants to check out the calendar (not if you are offended by nudity), the link is here.

So my challenge for 2010 is also a Ravelry challenge - to knit 10 shawls in 2010. As I knit my first shawl last year, I was really keen to sign up to this. I wasn't sure how I would get on with doing 10. Then I checked my last years projects and found that I had done 8 last year. So I should be able to do 10 this year.

The shawls I have cast on for 2010 already are:

Citron, from http://www.knitty.com/  - simple shawlette in malabrigo lace

Scheherezade from pink lemon twist.  Gorgeous, challenging stole in Natural Dye Studios angel lace, 1200m per 100g

The other 8 are subject to whim! This is a great challenge, and there are some gorgeous prizes available - both on a monthly basis, and when the year is up.  So it looks like my knitting obsession is going to carry on...

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