Friday, 1 January 2010

New year, new decade - what will happen next?

Well, another year has passed. Blogging has been sporadic.

We had a quiet new year, to say the least! But, as I sat with P & M, I remembered New Year 10 years ago. We had rotten colds and we saw the millenium in whilst lying in bed with our 10 week old baby watching the fireworks on TV. This year the same 3 people saw the fireworks on TV, all with rotten colds! There was a certain symmetry to it, that I appreciated! The twins hadn't quite managed to get to midnight, and it was the first year that M did. It's been a life-changing decade, going from one brand new baby to 3 ever-growing boys, from full time worker to full time Mum, from Lancashire to Gloucestershire and from poor to comfortable to poor to poor to even poorer to ok to comfortable again! P has gone through nearly a job a year since the twins were born, and it's given him strengths he wouldn't have had otherwise, but a bit of same-ness would be useful now!

I hope this decade will give us a little more stability. We are starting with change - P handed in his notice just before the New Year and will start his new job after his notice period. We might even see him sometimes now!

So all in all, despite all the challenges we will face, I am optimistic that the next decade will be the best yet.

I hope your New Year brings you all the joy and happiness you could wish for x

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